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<div>Open as in <em>Goatse</em></div> |
<div><img src="./img/coolface-trollface-trolls-faces.png"><em>Trollin'</em></div> |
<div>gratis vs libre<p> |
<img src='./img/freebeer.jpeg' width="400" height="300"/> vs <img src='./img/alex_jones_nerds.png' width="400" height="300"/> |
</div> |
<div>open ...source ...data ...systems ...standards ...knowledge ...content ...access ...government </div> |
<div>characteristics of open</div> |
<div>no <img src="./img/audi_goatse.jpg"> restrictions on use</div> |
<div>you can see if it works<br> |
<img src="./img/reaction.jpeg" vertical-align="middle";> |
</div> |
<div>redistribute <img src="./img/2012_olympics.jpg">it in any manner</div> |
<div>you can <img src="./img/find-the-hero-inside-of-you-photo-u1.jpg">improve it</div> |
<div> <img src="./img/anil.184.jpg">opportune</div> |
<div>processable by machine<p><p> <img src="./img/comparison.jpg"></div> |
<div>fundamental<br><p> <img src="./img/goetzche.jpg" style="float:center"></div> |
<div>no owner<br> <img src="./img/security.png"></div> |
<div>complete<p> <img src="./img/goatse-cookies.jpg"></div> |
<div>accessible <img src="./img/the-goatse-carousel-photo-u1.jpg"></div> |
<div>not discriminatory<p> <img src="./img/career.jpg"></div> |
<div>no licenses<p><img src="./img/the-disney-goatse-camera-photo-u1.jpg"> <img src="./img/the-disney-goatse-clock-photo-u1.jpg"></div> |
<div> <img src="./img/the-breville-sandwich-maker-goatse-photo-u1.jpg"> » <img src="./img/brevilleman.png"></div> |
<div>Goatse is a durable meme that exhibits characteristics of openess.</div> |
<div>Walking the walk.<p> |
Tom Macwright: <a href="https://github.com/tmcw/big">big</a>. <em>@tmwcv</em><p> |
Max Ogden: js timer snippet. <em>@maxogdon</em> |
</div> |
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